Saturday, 28 July 2007

Wreck of The Titanic

Memorial Tissue
Collection of Kevin Varty. Photo K.V.
In Memory of the Captain, Crew and Passengers who lost their lives by the Wreck of the Titanic
Yet again we hope to meet them
When our days of life are fled
And with joy in heaven to great them
Where no tears are ever shed
Royal Sympathy - the King and Queen and the Disaster
Local List of Crew

Palantine Printings label

Royal Wedding

Commemorative Tissue
Collection of Vevin Varty. Photo K.V.
Souvenir in Commemoration of the Royal Wedding between H.R.H. Princess Mary and Viscount Lascelles at Westminster Abbey, 28th February 1922. All Blessings and Happiness to them.

My Dear Sister

Funerary Portrait.
Collection of Kevin Varty. Photo K.V.
In Loving Memory of My Dear Sister, Gone but Not Forgotten
Photograph taken of the body; detail of eyes and features painted on. This practice was more common in America than Britain.